From the Editor's Desk

Welcome to She Gov Savvy!

Hello Savvy Sisters,

Welcome to a new year and a new chapter! As we step into the refreshing energy of January, I am thrilled to present to you the third issue of She Gov Savvy. This month holds a special place in our hearts, marking not only the beginning of 2024 but also the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a time deeply rooted in service and community impact.

Be of Service

As we set our business goals for the new year, let's also set goals for community engagement and social impact. The lessons of service and empathy are as crucial as our strategies for growth and success. 

Here are some ways you can be of Service:

  1. Volunteer for Local Initiatives: Join hands with local NGOs or community groups in their ongoing projects, be it feeding the homeless, cleaning up public spaces, or assisting in educational programs.
  2. Organize Workshops: Use your expertise in government contracting to conduct free workshops for small business owners in underserved communities.
  3. Collaborate with Charities: Partner with charities to provide resources or services that align with your business’s capabilities, contributing to a cause while showcasing your company’s skills and commitment to community welfare.

Invitation to Share

Your stories, experiences, and insights are the heartbeat of She Gov Savvy. This year, we encourage you to share not just your successes but also how you’re making a difference in your communities through your work.

Looking Ahead

As we move forward into 2024, let's carry with us the lessons of service and unity. Here's to a year filled with achievement, growth, and meaningful contributions.

Wishing you all a fruitful and impactful January.

Warm regards,

Sabrina Wiggins
Gov Savvy

Entering the realm of government contracting can be as promising as it is challenging. While it opens a world of opportunities for businesses to expand and thrive, it also comes with a complex maze of regulations, requirements, and processes that demand careful navigation.

Understanding the Landscape

Government contracts are lucrative, but they’re also bound by strict regulations and oversight. Before diving in, it’s crucial to understand the landscape:

  1. Compliance is Key: Every government contract comes with its own set of rules and regulations. From labor laws to environmental standards, non-compliance can result in hefty fines or even disqualification.
  2. Rigorous Bidding Process: The bidding process for government contracts is competitive and rigorous. It requires detailed proposals, precise budgeting, and often, a demonstration of previous experience in the field.
  3. Audits and Accountability: Government contractors are subject to audits and must maintain meticulous records. Be prepared for transparency in all your dealings.

Steps for Safe Contracting

To navigate the complexities of government contracting, follow these steps:

  1. Educate Yourself: Knowledge is your first line of defense. Familiarize yourself with the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which provides the principal rules for government procurement.
  2. Seek Legal Counsel: Considering the legal complexities, consulting with a lawyer specializing in government contracts is a wise move, especially when drafting contracts or responding to RFPs (Request for Proposals).
  3. Understand the Financial Implications: Be realistic about your financial capabilities. Government contracts can be large in scope and may require significant upfront investment.
  4. Build a Compliant Infrastructure: Ensure that your business infrastructure, from your workforce policies to your record-keeping systems, is in line with government standards.
  5. Network Wisely: Establish connections with experienced government contractors. They can offer invaluable insights and mentorship on navigating the contracting process.

Approaching government contracting with caution is not about being fearful; it's about being prepared and informed. By understanding the regulations, preparing thoroughly for bids, and maintaining transparency and compliance, your foray into government contracting can be both successful and rewarding. Remember, in government contracting, the careful player is often the winning one.


What inspired you to start Flaunt Your Curves Boutique, and how has your personal journey shaped the mission and values of your business?

I lost my mom, Shirley Thrower, in a tragic car accident on December 16, 2014, which pushed me into a deep depression. Life lost its meaning, and I felt like giving up. I struggled for years, but in 2017, I crossed paths with Mrs. Jamison. She was launching her online shoe boutique, and I found inspiration in her business and the concept of a boutique.

Having always had a passion for fashion and holding a hairstylist license since 1995, I saw an opportunity to create something meaningful. I shared my idea with my husband and youngest daughter, believing that starting a boutique would not only honor my mom's memory but also leave a lasting legacy for my daughters.

My personal journey, marked by tragedy and my determination to create something positive, has profoundly influenced Flaunt Your Curves Boutique's mission and values. My experience with loss and depression has instilled deep empathy for others who may be going through similar struggles. Consequently, I've made it a priority to establish a safe, welcoming, and judgment-free space where people can feel beautiful.

I intimately understand the significance of self-care and self-expression in healing and building resilience. That's why I've curated a collection of clothing that celebrates and embraces individual style. Flaunt Your Curves Boutique promotes the message that every person deserves to feel beautiful, comfortable, and empowered in their own skin. Our motto is 'If You've Got It, Why Not Flaunt It?'

Furthermore, my commitment to leaving a legacy for my daughters drives the core values of my business. By establishing Flaunt Your Curves Boutique, I aim to show them the power of perseverance, resilience, and following their dreams. I want to inspire my daughters and other young people to pursue their passions and overcome any obstacles they may face.

My personal journey through loss, depression, and resilience inspired the creation of Flaunt Your Curves Boutique LLC. It has shaped the mission and values of my business, focusing on creating a safe, empowering, and inclusive space for all. My dedication to leaving a legacy for my daughters serves as a guiding force in everything I do.

As a minority and black woman entrepreneur, what unique perspectives do you bring to the business world, particularly in the beautician industry?

In a society that frequently promotes unattainable beauty standards, I prioritize empowering individuals to embrace their natural beauty and express themselves authentically. Being a black woman entrepreneur comes with its own set of challenges, including overcoming systemic biases and stereotypes. Nevertheless, these challenges have also nurtured resilience, determination, and resourcefulness in me.

I bring a unique perspective rooted in perseverance and adaptability, enabling me to tackle obstacles with creativity and tenacity. Through embodying these perspectives, my goal is to revolutionize the beautician industry and contribute to a more inclusive and empowering environment for everyone, regardless of their racial or ethnic background.

How do you see Flaunt Your Curves Boutique contributing to the empowerment and representation of women in both the entrepreneurial and public sectors?

As the owner of Flaunt Your Curves Boutique and Salon, I am passionate about giving back to my community and empowering women. I volunteer with SCORE, where I assist aspiring entrepreneurs in starting their journey by equipping them with the knowledge and tools needed for success.

Furthermore, I have authored a children's book titled "Girls Get It," which empowers young girls to navigate puberty with confidence. In my commitment to supporting our community, I also serve as a substitute teacher, notary, wedding officiant, real estate investor, and regularly contribute food and clothing to the homeless.

What role do you believe mentorship and community support play in guiding women entrepreneurs, specifically in the hair industry, towards success in government contracting?

Mentorship and community support are essential in steering women entrepreneurs in the hair industry toward success in government contracting. Through guidance, knowledge, and resources, mentors can assist women in navigating the intricate government contract processes. Community support, on the other hand, fosters a network of like-minded individuals who can provide advice, share experiences, and collaborate on opportunities. These components empower women to surmount challenges, boost their confidence, and tap into more government contracting opportunities. Together, mentorship and community support pave the way for women entrepreneurs to flourish and prosper in this competitive industry.

How can salon owners stay informed about government contracting opportunities relevant to the beauty and hair industry?

Salon owners can keep themselves informed about government contracting opportunities in the beauty and hair industry by actively pursuing information through various means. They should routinely check government procurement websites and databases dedicated to contracts within the beauty and hair sector. Furthermore, joining industry associations and networks that offer updates on government contracting opportunities is advisable. Participation in conferences, workshops, and webinars related to government contracts can yield valuable insights. Establishing connections with fellow salon owners experienced in government contracting and staying involved in local business communities can also bolster awareness of relevant opportunities. By proactively seeking information and networking within the industry, salon owners can stay well-informed and take advantage of government contracting prospects in the beauty and hair sector.

What advice would you offer to other women, especially women of color, who aspire to make an impact in the business world and potentially in government contracting?

My advice to women, especially women of color, aspiring to make a meaningful impact in the business world and government contracting is as follows:

  1. Believe in yourself: Have confidence in your abilities and recognize the value you bring to the table.
  2. Seek knowledge and education: Continuously educate yourself on business strategies, government contracting processes, and industry trends.
  3. Build a strong network: Surround yourself with a supportive community of mentors, peers, and industry professionals who can offer guidance and create opportunities.
  4. Be proactive: Take the initiative to identify and pursue government contracts that align with your expertise and interests.
  5. Embrace diversity and inclusion: Leverage your unique perspective and experiences to bring innovation and creativity to your work.
  6. Stay resilient: Overcome challenges and setbacks with determination, adaptability, and persistence.
  7. Advocate for yourself: Promote your skills, achievements, and capabilities confidently. Highlight your unique value proposition.
  8. Seek mentorship and support: Find mentors who can provide valuable guidance and connect with organizations and communities that empower women in business.
  9. Embrace continuous improvement: Never stop learning, growing, and honing your skills. Adapt to industry changes and seize new opportunities.
  10. Stay true to your purpose: Keep your values, goals, and vision in mind as you navigate the business world and government contracting. Your passion and purpose will drive your success.
Is there any other advice or tips that you would like to share?

When embarking on a journey into the world of government contracting, it's vital to approach it with thorough preparation and a strong foundation. To ensure your path to success, conducting comprehensive research should be your initial step. Dedicate time to comprehend the nuances of the industry, including government procurement processes, regulations, and requirements.

To further bolster your knowledge and equip yourself with essential tools, consider becoming part of professional organizations and communities that specialize in government contracting. These groups offer invaluable resources, networking opportunities, and access to tailored training programs. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals who share your goals can provide crucial support and guidance.

While gaining knowledge and engaging with communities are crucial, seeking legal expertise is equally important. Collaborating with an attorney well-versed in government laws and contracts can preempt potential issues. They can review documents before signing, ensuring compliance, protecting your rights, and managing risks.

Always remember that success in government contracting necessitates continuous learning and improvement. Stay updated on new regulations, policies, and industry trends. Attend relevant workshops, webinars, and conferences to stay ahead and adapt to changes.

Lastly, remain true to your purpose and vision. Government contracting can be challenging, but maintaining your passion will drive your success. Keep your values at the forefront, seeking opportunities that align with your mission and objectives. Through diligent research, community involvement, legal guidance, and purpose-driven decisions, you'll be well-prepared to excel in the realm of government contracting.

How can we learn more or connect with you?

You can connect with me at Anika Thrower Oliver

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FYCBO

Purchase Girl's Get It: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0BNGRZCK7

Gottlieb Foundation Individual Support Grant - Deadline: 1/17/2024

Fund for Teachers’ fellowships provide support for teachers’ self-designed learning experiences. - Click here to learn more  

Fund For Teachers Fellowship - Deadline: 1/18/2024

Fund for Teachers’ fellowships provide support for teachers’ self-designed learning experiences. - Click here to learn more

Because Accelerator - Deadline: 1/26/2024

Because Accelerator is a business accelerator program designed to help entrepreneurs take their innovative products to the next level.. - Click here to learn more

BMO Fellowship (Watson Institute)- Deadline: 1/31/2024

This fellowship is a fully funded 16-week intensive virtual fellowship designed for sustainability entrepreneurs who are driving solutions to their communities’ most significant environmental and sustainability challenges. - Click here to learn more

Veterans Business Battle- Deadline: 2/13/2024

Event gives invited military veterans an opportunity to pitch business ideas to investors and lenders for a chance to raise capital. - Click here to learn more

These are rolling grants.

Awesome Foundation (Monthly)

Foundation distributes $1,000 grants, no strings attached, to projects and their creators. At each fully autonomous chapter, the money is pooled together from the coffers of ten or so self-organizing “micro-trustees”. Awarded monthly - Click here to learn more

IMPACT grants (Quarterly) 

Primary goal of grant is to fuel the endeavors of businesses and nonprofits that are actively making a significant IMPACT within their communities and beyond. Open to US and Canada-based organizations. Funding of $1,000 - Click here to learn more

Truist NonProfit Grant (Quarterly) 

The Truist Foundation supports nonprofits with grants that target leadership development, economic mobility, thriving communities and educational equity. - Click here to learn more

HerRise Micro-Grant (Monthly)

The HerRise Micro-Grant provides financial assistance, with the help of our corporate sponsors and donors, to women of color creating innovative solutions that impact their community and that are often unable to secure funding for their small business. - Click here to learn more

ACO - Administrative Contracting Officer: Works alongside the Contracting Officer and is responsible for contract administration.

PCO - Procuring Contracting Officer: Responsible for the procurement and management of contracts.

KO - Contracting Officer: The individual authorized to enter into, administer, and terminate contracts.

COR - Contracting Officer's Representative: An individual designated to monitor and assess contract performance.

COTR - Contracting Officer's Technical Representative: Similar to a COR, this person oversees the technical aspects of the contract.

    We want to hear from you! Have questions you want answered? Got a topic you'd like us to cover? Reach out to us at editor@shegovsavvy.com or engage with us on social media using the hashtag #SheGovSavvy #SavvyGovSisters #SavvyTalk #SavvySisters

    Free Resources

    Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

    Apex Accelerators

    Women Business Centers

    Veterans Business Centers

    SCORE Mentor

    ACRN Finder

    Government Sites





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