From the Editor's Desk

Welcome to She Gov Savvy!

Hello Savvy Sisters,

Welcome to the very first issue of Savvy Talk —your new go-to source for the ins, outs, ups, and downs of government contracting. If you've ever felt intrigued, but perhaps a bit intimidated, by the world of government contracts, you're in the right place.

As women entrepreneurs, we know the challenges and opportunities that come with being in business. Breaking into government contracting can seem like a labyrinth of complexities. She Gov Savvy team aims to be your guide, mentor, and cheerleader as you navigate this rewarding landscape.

Thank you for joining us on this exciting journey. Together, we will not only demystify the world of government contracting but also make it our playground for success.

With gratitude and anticipation,

Sabrina Wiggins


She Gov Savvy

Government contracting is a unique and potentially lucrative opportunity accessible to entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes. Partnering with government agencies as a supplier or service provider can open doors to a reliable stream of contracts and revenue. Nevertheless, the landscape of government procurement is intricate, governed by its own set of rules, regulations, and procedures. She Gov Savvy is here to assist you throughout this process by offering valuable tips, checklists, and guidance, ensuring you're well-prepared to embark on your government contracting journey.

What is government contracting you ask.

Government contracting refers to the process by which government agencies, at the federal, state, or local levels, procure goods and services from small to large businesses to fulfill their operational and programmatic needs. In essence, it involves the government entering into contracts with businesses like yours to acquire everything from construction services and IT solutions to office supplies and consulting services.

Government contracting offers businesses and entrepreneurs the opportunity to provide their products or services to government entities, often in exchange for a fee or payment. This can be an attractive market, as governments are significant purchasers and can offer stable, long-term contracts.

Engaging in government contracting comes with its unique challenges and requirements. Businesses must comply with various regulations, navigate complex procurement processes, and compete with other vendors for contracts. Understanding the intricacies of government contracting and meeting the necessary qualifications and standards are essential for success in this field.

Before you get started here are a few things you need to do to make sure you really want to take on this challenge.

  • Think about products or services you can provide to the government.
  • What government/state agencies need what you provide?
  • If you win a contract, will you be able to do the job alone or will you need additional staff?
  • Do you have the financial means to pay for something up front and wait to be paid back 30-60 days after submitting your invoice? 

These are just a few questions you should ask yourself before diving all in. We will go a little deeper in the next issue.

If you have a burning question, make sure you submit it.

You can also do business in your own state by becoming a vendor. Research your state by googling "Your state" vendor portal. We will talk more about state portals later. 


What motivated you to explore the world of government contracting, and how did you start the process?

It's kind of funny, you know? I initially wanted to go solo without any partners, and that's what got me peeking into government contracting. But things took a wild turn when I found this awesome bunch of women who not only pushed me to dream bigger but also made the whole journey super fun and inspiring.
I stumbled into this whole government contracting thing when I met my mentor on social media. She's this ball of energy, totally relatable, and seriously rocking it in the field. I thought, 'Hey, this could be my thing too!' So, I started diving into the nitty-gritty, with my newfound crew cheering me on every step of the way.

What resources or support systems did you utilize to help you navigate the government contracting process?

I signed up for her government contracting course and mentorship program, diving headfirst into all the fascinating stuff it had to offer. I also hit up a bunch of networking events, which ended up being super insightful and helpful.

Then, a few of us from the program decided to have these weekly calls every Monday. They quickly turned into these awesome hangouts where we'd chat about all the exciting stuff we were dealing with in the contracting world. We'd swap stories, spill the tea on our struggles, and pick up some great tips along the way. Before we knew it, our little crew turned into the 'She Gov Savvy' gang, always there to give each other a boost in this government contracting adventure.

How did you prepare your business to meet the specific requirements and expectations of a government contract?

Honestly, shifting my business focus to government contracting wasn't a major challenge. With Get It Done Solutions already established for several years, my priority was to ensure the company was structurally resilient. By emphasizing the establishment of a solid foundation mirroring that of any credible enterprise, I aimed to position my business favorably for any promising opportunities that came our way.

Strengthening the structural integrity of my company allowed for a seamless transition. I just had to familiarize myself with the nuances of the government sphere - getting on those databases, making a digital footprint, learning all those fancy government terms, and interpreting and responding to various types of proposals. Being able to adjust and learn about government contracting helped my business switch smoothly and quickly.

Can you describe the challenges and learning curves you faced while pursuing your first government contract?

So, for my first shot at a government contract, I was on a mission to get those 7 laptops, 5 tables, and a bunch of keyboards for this local agency. I submitted my proposal just a day before the deadline, thinking I had it in the bag. But guess what? My bid wasn't even on the list! Turns out, the person in charge never got my email because of some pesky firewall issue.

Girl, that was a lesson! Now, I always send my bids at least 48 hours in advance. Oh, and I always ask for those email receipts too. Can't be too careful, right? It's all about staying ahead of the game in this government contract hustle!

Now that you've successfully won your first contract, what advice would you give to other women entrepreneurs aspiring to venture into government contracting?

You know, some people might cringe at this, but seriously, getting a coach or joining a mentorship program is a game-changer. Yeah, it might cost a bit, but it's like turbocharging your learning in this industry. Also, finding a group of folks who get what you're going through can make all the difference. And hey, just hang in there, stay focused on your goals, and you'll get there!

Anything other wisdom or advice you would like to leave them with?

Keep in touch with the amazing She Gov Savvy community. There's so much more coming your way! I'm beyond excited for what's on the horizon. We've got some incredibly experienced women here, and the support and camaraderie we share are truly special!

How can be learn more about your business or connect with you?

Keep your sights locked onto the very reason you embarked on your government contracting journey. Your "why" is the fuel that will keep you driven and committed as you progress. Remember, building lasting legacies takes time, and every "no" you encounter is merely a stepping stone on the path toward your ultimate "yes." Stay focused and resolute!

You can connect with me at Get It Done Solutions 


Workshop at Macy’s
Deadline: November 30, 2023

The Workshop at Macy’s is a 4-week intensive vendor accelerator program, dedicated exclusively to BIPOC and women-owned brands. The program is designed to drive promising enterprises to the next level by providing retail industry knowledge, resources, and tools to help grow your brand. Grants for $5,000. Apply by 11/30/23 - Click here to learn more

Aurora Tech Award
Deadline: December 1, 2023

The Aurora Tech Award is an annual global prize for women founders of tech startups. We believe in breaking down barriers and promoting equality in tech entrepreneurship. Click here to learn more  

New Face of Tech Challenge 2023 Grant
Deadline: December 1, 2023

Twenty-five (25) winners will be chosen by the 1,000 Dreams Fund and announced the week of December 4, 2023. Grants for $1,500. Apply by 12/1/23 Click here to learn more

Stacy's Rise Project Grant
Deadline: December 1, 2023

For women entrepreneurs - must be a for-profit U.S.-based business selling a consumer packaged good - must have at least $25,000 and no more than $1M in annualized sales. Click here to learn more.        

Atomic Grant
Deadline: December 15, 2023

Atomic® Grants are for people who are passionate about making change happen, for themselves and others. - Click here to learn more  

Galaxy Grant

Deadline: December 16, 2023

Grant is to help women and minority entrepreneurs succeed throughout their small business journey by providing important resources, tools, funding, and knowledge - Click here to learn more

Verizon Small Business Digital Ready
Deadline: December 20, 2023

The Verizon Small Business Digital Ready portal was created with and for small businesses, with a specific focus on helping diverse and under-resourced business owners - Click here to learn more

Women and Minority Business Owner Down Payment Grant (Bank of America)

Non-repayable grant is for up to $25,000 on SBA owner occupied commercial estate loans for business locations within select opportunity zones (Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles) Program may expand based on pilot. - Click here to learn more

YippityDoo Big Idea Grant ($15 application fee)

Each month, one $1000 grant is awarded to a woman, age 18 or over, in the US to invest in their Business or Idea. It can be used as a start up grant, marketing grant, operational grant or whatever you need to help you to the next level with your idea or business. $1,000 each month - Click here to learn more

Truist NonProfit Grant

The Truist Foundation supports nonprofits with grants that target leadership development, economic mobility, thriving communities and educational equity. Quarterly deadlines - Click here to learn more

Solicitation - A solicitation, in the context of government procurement, is a formal document or communication issued by a government agency to request goods, services, or proposals from potential suppliers, contractors, or vendors. It outlines the specific requirements, terms, and conditions for the procurement, and it invites interested parties to submit bids, proposals, or offers in response.

Request For Proposal (RFP) is a type of solicitation used by government agencies to procure complex goods or services. It is a formal document that provides detailed project requirements, evaluation criteria, and other relevant information.

Request for Quotation (RFQ) is a solicitation used when a government agency seeks to purchase standardized products or services with clearly defined specifications. It is a formal request sent to potential suppliers or vendors to provide quotations or price quotes for the specified items or services.

Request for Information (RFI) is a preliminary document used by government agencies to gather information and gain insight about potential products, services, or solutions available in the market. It is not a formal request for bids or proposals but rather a means to collect information about industry trends, capabilities of potential vendors, and available options.

We want to hear from you! Have questions you want answered? Got a topic you'd like us to cover? Reach out to us at or engage with us on social media using the hashtag #SheGovSavvy #SavvyGovSisters #SavvyTalk #SavvySisters

Free Resources

Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

Apex Accelerators

Women Business Centers

Veterans Business Centers

SCORE Mentor

ACRN Finder

Government Sites





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